Update Terbaru Dota 2 Patch 7.34e

dota 2 patch 7.34e

Valve telah merilis patch 7.34e untuk Dota 2 tepatnya pada tanggal 20 November 2023. Melalui twitter resmi Wykrhm Reddy yang merupakan Community Manager Dota 2 mereka menyampaikan update terbaru ini.

Sayangnya update patch ini ternyata tidak disambut dengan baik karena penggemar Dota 2 lebih menyukai update Patch 7.35 dibandingkan patch 7.34e. Hal ini dikarena jika patch 7.35 kemungkinan akan banyak item dan skin baru.

Lalu apa saja update di patch terbaru ini?


Item Updates Patch 7.34e

dota 2 patch 7.34e
Source: Dota 2

Eternal Shroud

  • Magic Resistance bonus increased from +30% to +35%

Hand Of Midas

  • Base Charge Restore Time increased from 100s to 110s

Heart Of Tarrasque

  • Recipe cost increased from 1300 to 1400. Total cost increased from 5100 to 5200
  • Strength bonus decreased from +40 to +35

Helm of The Overlord

  • Vladmir’s Aura Armor increased from 3 to 4


  • Protect Cooldown decreased from 18s to 16s

Vladmir’s Offering

  • Vladmir’s Aura Armor increased from 3 to 4

Hero Updates Patch 7.34e

dota 2 patch 7.34e
Source: Dota 2

Ancient apparition

Ice vortex

  • Damage per second decreased from 12/20/28/36 to 12/18/24/30

Ice Blast

  • Frostbitten Duration decreased from 10/11/12s to 10s


Quill spray

  • Max Damage decreased from 550 to 500


  • Damage Threshold increased from 225 to 300/275/250/225


  • Cast Range decreased from 1500 to 1000
  • Cooldown increased from 10s to 13s


  • Level 20 Talent Quill Spray Stack Damage decreased from +25 to +20

Chaos Knight

  • Base Damage decreased by 5

Chaos Strike

  • Lifesteal penalty against creeps increased from 40% to 70%


  • Mana Cost increased from 75/125/175 to 100/200/300

Dark Willow

Shadow Realm

  • Cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14s to 22/20/18/16s


Bad juju

  • No longer affects any Blink Dagger’s 3s mute period after taking damage

Drow ranger


  • Cooldown decreased from 26/24/22/20s to 24/22/20/18s

Earth spirit

Rolling boulder

  • Cooldown now begins when the current roll is completed


Black hole

  • Cooldown decreased from 200/180/160s to 180/170/160s


Ink swell

  • Aghanim’s Shard Spell Lifesteal now has a 20% penalty against creeps


Rocket barrage

  • Rocket Damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 8/14/20/26



  • Bonus Damage increased from 30/40/50 to 40/45/50



  • Damage Delayed decreased from 45% to 35%

Tidal Wave

  • Damage decreased from 250 to 180

Torrent Storm

  • Duration decreased from 5s to 4s
  • Cooldown increased from 70s to 75s


Lightning storm

  • Slow Duration increased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0s to 0.45/0.7/0.95/1.2s


Earth spike

  • Cast Range increased from 575 to 650


  • Base Agility increased from 16 to 18
  • Agility gain increased from 1.4 to 1.8
  • Marci


  • Cast Range increased from 700 to 1000


The calling

  • Duration decreased from 7/8/9/10s to 5/6/7/8s
  • Movement Slow decreased from 30% to 15/20/25/30%


Ghost shroud

  • Mana Cost increased from 50 to 75

Heartstopper Aura

  • Regen Duration decreased from 8s to 7s
  • Aghanim’s Scepter Health Regen to Decay decreased from 60% to 55%

Death Seeker

  • Cooldown increased from 16s to 19s

Primal beast


  • Mana Cost increased from 90/85/80/75 to 90


  • Cooldown increased from 36/32/28s to 40/36/32s


  • Level 25 Talent Pulverize Duration decreased from +100% to +67%

Shadow shaman


  • Damage Amplification increased from 5/10/15/20% to 10/15/20/25%


  • Base Armor decreased by 1

Spirit breaker

Charge of darkness

  • Cooldown increased from 21/18/15/12s to 22/19/16/13s
  • Aghanim’s Scepter Cooldown increased from 8s to 9s

Greater Bash

  • Damage multiplier against creeps decreased from 1.5x to 1.3x


Whirling death

  • Stat Loss Percent increased from 10% to 13%



  • Mana Cost decreased from 120 to 90/100/110/120

Treant Protector

  • Base Movement Speed decreased from 285 to 280

Leech Seed

  • Damage/Heal per second decreased from 25/40/55/70 to 20/35/50/65


Geminate attack

  • Cooldown increased from 7/5.5/4/2.5s to 8.5/6.5/4.5/2.5s

Winter wyvern

Cold embrace

  • Base Heal per second increased from 30/35/40/45 to 40/45/50/55

Witch doctor

Paralyzing cask

  • Damage multiplier against creeps decreased from 2.0x to 1.5x

Death Ward

  • Now prioritizes heroes within its attack range over creeps

Wraith king

Vampiric spirit

  • Skeleton Damage decreased by 3

Itulah update untuk patch 7.34e kali ini. Ikuti terus IDGameWare untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini seputar game dan hardware.

Baca juga: A Space For The Unbound Masuk TGA 23

Ayo bro jadi yang pertama komen!

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